Tiger Woods in my Economics Text

The fact that I’m taking time out of studying for my final exam… to blog about something I just read in my Economics textbook  tells me two things.   I’ve been spending way too much time keeping up with modern media and way too much time reading my Economics text.

Right now, I’m reading ch.3 of the Principles of Economics by Gregory Mankiw.  As far as textbooks go, this one isn’t bad… considering the subject matter.  The author always cracks me up with his examples and analogies.  Today, I almost choked on my own saliva when I read the following:

I don’t know why, but I just got a kick out of it.  This text was written in 2007, and it’s almost as though the author is foreshadowing things to come for Tiger.  “Most likely,  he is talented at other activities too. ”  I realize the media has already beaten this Tiger thing to a pulp… but   seriously… “drive and sink a putt in a way that most casual golfers only dream” – and the best yet – “just because he can mow is lawn fast, does this mean he should?

Now that is just fun for the whole family to enjoy! 🙂

Happy Tuesday!