Amber Heard, Please Stop!

Amber Heard, I have never written a blog post like this. You have truly inspired me. I didn’t think it was possible, but your face… your voice, and your continuous lies are making me ill. Please stop!

My plan was to never mention you or the defamation trial. Enough has been said. You have said enough. It was a spectacle! We didn’t believe you. The jury didn’t believe you.  Please, TAKE IT PERSONALLY! It has nothing (ZERO) to do with anything except you. Not your ex hub’s celeb status, not misinformation, not his lawyers, not the media. Just you. Your words. Your lies. Yours.

This is a creative blog about serious stuff… so I needed to tell you that I am embarrassed, as a woman. I am embarrassed for you. You actually make my stomach turn. Why? At first, I believed you. I had vile thoughts about JD. It actually took a lot to make me see the truth. Unfortunately for you, once I did, I was all too clear.

How could you do this to us? How could you do this to women? How could you take a movement that empowers women to stand up and break their silence and fight for justice, then use it as a tool for your own personal agenda?

You are a disgusting human. We are NOT with you. Stop using television to keep spewing your lies… nobody believes you. Nobody will ever believe you, so just STOP!

I’m pretty sure you couldn’t even get hired at Walmart to be a greeter at this point, but you have a lot of bills to pay, so you better get to work. Good luck with that!  You have charitable organizations waiting on you. Instead of keeping up the lie, why not start making good on some of your promises.

Now, just go away, please. You are done.