Feel like crap? Maybe it’s the caffeine!

I have been doing keto for a little over a month now. I started following a speed keto plan for the first 2 weeks to kick start the ketosis, and then moved on to more of an OMAD (one meal a day) situation. It turns out I’m pretty good at fasting, and so far the health benefits far outweigh anything negative I have experienced. I plan to get into my keto experience much more later, but right now I just wanted to show you a list that I amassed, about how caffeine can affect your body and mind.

Discontinuing regular intake of caffeine may help control many issues you experience on a regular basis. I am not a doctor or healthcare professional. I just did the work – Check out the list:

1. Caffeine can cause anxiety and restlessness in large doses.
2. Caffeine can cause heartburn, heart palpitations, and chest pains.
3. Caffeine can cause insomnia, irritability, and headaches.
4. Caffeine can increase the risk of osteoporosis.
5. Caffeine can increase blood pressure and heart rate.
6. Caffeine can increase muscle tension and worsen asthma.
7. Caffeine can interfere with the action of antidepressants.
8. Caffeine can increase the risk of diabetes.
9. Caffeine can lower your resistance to infection.
10. Caffeine can cause acid reflux.
11. Caffeine can worsen an existing ulcer.
12. Caffeine can reduce your ability to concentrate.
13. Caffeine can cause headaches.
14. Caffeine can increase your risk of pancreatitis.
15. Caffeine can reduce your sperm count.
16. Caffeine can cause heart failure.
17. Caffeine can increase your risk of developing diabetes.
18. Caffeine can increase your risk of developing hypertension.
