Online Mining Simulator – Get your crypto!

I really want to tell you about a site that I really love. That site is

RollerCoin is an online Crypto Mining Simulator Game where all the players split the block reward. You will earn your part of the block reward depending on your mining power or TH/s

TH/s can be earned in 2 ways – playing mini games and buying little stationary miners.

game choices at
Mini Games

Once you sign up and customize your little avatar to work in your little virtual office, you can start playing games right away. You can keep it free as long as you want. Just remember, the TH/s you earn playing the games is only temporary. You have to come back each day and play more to keep it up and recharge your energy.

I started free, but have since invested in a few miners. If you decide to invest in some miners, don’t forget to buy racks first. I was very lucky to get the Shamrock miner while it lasted 🙂 virtual office
Little Miners

The great thing about his site is that you can do it for fun until you can invest some crypto into it. The more you put in… the more you will get out. You do the math. Enjoy.