September 9th 2020 – The Day the Sun Stayed In Bed

Good Morning! It’s 11:35 A.M on September 9th 2020, though you’d never know it because the many fires burning in and around California have created a roof over the Bay Area so thick the sun cannot penetrate.

I’ll make it quick because I’m a little light-headed. The good news is that the smell of smoke doesn’t seem to be an issue, but I am having a much harder time breathing, I think, because it is snowing ash.

This post is to document what’s been going on up until this point. I keep telling my daughter not to worry… to stay strong… this will pass soon. I can’t tell if I’m lying to her or if I’m just holding out false hope. It is hard to keep pushing forward when things keep adding up/stacking up/piling up.

We are still hiding from the Corona virus while droves of people went back to “life as usual” which is great for them… but sucks for the rest of us who realize things don’t just disappear because you are tired of dealing with them and you are bored. Great. Keep being part of the problem while the rest of us go insane waiting for you to get your hair done.

The wildfires in California continue to burn, sending giant plumes of smoke that hang high in the air. High enough that you can’t smell it, but you can see the ash raining down on everything and accumulating like snow. The sun has not been able to pierce through the smoke, and thus we are trapped in an eerie “red tinged” darkness. One that I have never seen before in my life.

Of course, while the world is dying of a virus, and the earth is roasting like a marshmallow, there is a great many of us that are forced to home school our children. The only thing that has done is cause problems between my daughter and I. She gets nothing from the “distance learning” because what she really NEEDS is socialization with other children, and they don’t get that – at all. The only thing distance learning guarantees is that from 9 a.m. until bedtime, I am chasing my 2nd grader around, asking did you do this or did you do that, hounding, and nagging – and she, in turn shuts down, and then totally stops. I am not a teacher. When will all this end?

As if that isn’t enough, we are still in the midst of a revolution. Protests against police brutality continue – MUST CONTINUE – because STILL – nothing has changed. Not a fucking thing!  The government corruption in the USA is so deep that I’m not even sure we can reasonably count on our election process. The current leader has single-handedly destroyed our country and has made it undoubtedly clear that he cares more about getting reelected than he does about the health and well being of the American people. If that’s not enough to make you a crazy person, I don’t know what is?

In summation, the world is still being ravaged by a deadly virus that not enough people are taking seriously, hence the reason we have yet to flatten the curve.  The fires burn, the corruption turns, the kids are suffering, and the parents are going crazy.

Do your best. Please.